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An award-winning performer and singer known for his versatile work, Christopher Inlow is a sought-after artist in movies, television andon stage.

With a strong work ethic and commitment

to his craft, Christopher has appeared as

an actor in films; featuring such genre

film icons as Doug Bradley, Ernie Hudson

and Michael Barrymen, working for noted independent filmmakers Zach Clark,

Christian Grillo, Justin Timpane &

Executive Producer Eduardo Sanchez

(amongst others).


He has several films currently being
released which include L. Frank Baum's

"The Wonderful Wizard of Oz", a western titled "The Lonesome Trail"; and his most recent release as Yuri in "Snake River".

Snake River is the world's  first 360 degree full immersion Virtual Reality Film.

Christopher has been a member of the cast of the Telly Award winning Television show "Monster Madhouse" for over 6 years.


In 2011 he receivedrecognition as "Horror Host of the Year" for his character work as "Slo Frank."

Based in the Washington, D.C. area, Christopher has been making quite a name for himself as one of the hardest working entertainers in the business.

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